You have 10 Bitcoins remainingleft.


Welcome to the /b/lack market. You have 10 Bitcoins to start, spend them wisely.


Anything alive. Not a lamp, not a potato, etc. Life ONLY. Intelligent life.

Time Travel

Ability to travel back of forth throughtime.

Mind Control

Yes, even on animals. Anything will do anything it is capable of doing.

Mind reading

You can read anyone's mind, but you cannot alter their thoughts.


You will immediatly know how to fly; also you gain the ability to walk on clouds.


Ability to turn invisible and back whenever you desire.

Spiderman powers

The title is self explanatory


You have to at least know where the location is and what it looks like. Can take people with you.

Elemental Control

Control of Air, Fire, Water and Earth. You have to learn how to use it though.


You gain the verbal capability to convince anyone to do anything. ANYTHING.

Force Clairvoyance

Alows you to see a couple moments in the future. Great for saying clever things.

Force field generation

Ability to project a powerful field of manipulated energy around you.

Everywhere Wi-Fi

You will ALWAYS have free and good internet. No matter what.


Money! You get $1,000,000 immediately.

Sonic Speed

Ability to move, run, fly, react, think, and sense much faster than a normal human.